Co-curricular clubs change every term. There are over 40 different options to choose from across the Prep and Pre-Prep.
Every day, both during and after School, there are a diverse choice of co-curricular activities available to both Pre-Prep (Reception from Summer term only) and Prep children.
We offer a wide-range of different and diverse options for children to explore: from online music sequencing to taekwondo, code ninjas, fencing, debating, drama, art, ballet, yoga, rock-climbing and crochet. The most popular are cooking and tech clubs, while the chess club and swim squad are the longest standing.
Some clubs are run by St Andrew’s staff, while others, like Little Voices (LAMDA) and Elibah Dance for girls and boys are run by external providers. Our internal co-curricular clubs are booked online via SOCS.