On Mon 25th September, St Andrew's Pre-Prep and Prep celebrated European Day of Languages, led by our Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Mr Phil Bates.
Every teacher learnt to say “Hello”, “Welcome” and “Goodbye” in a different language, and shared knowledge and facts about the country with pupils.
Mrs Carter greeted her form with “Kon'nichiwa”; Mr Fearn with “Ciao, Bongiorno”; Mrs Hearn said “Jó napot kivánok” to wish them a good day; Mr Carter used “Ahoj”; Mr Bates said hello with “Yasou”; and Miss Parkhouse welcomed her pupils with “Wilkommen”.
The Pre-Prep used different languages to convey the sounds animals make. In groups, they practised making the sound of a mouse (which you can see in our short film below).
The whole school then said, “Obrigada” to Sandra, one of our Catering Team, when she served them food at lunch. Then, Head Boy, Fred, started Grace with, “Obrigado a Deus”.
Mr Bates commented on the day:
“I’m delighted the children are enthusiastic about learning new languages and that we have a special day in our calendar to celebrate them."
Everyone enjoyed being immersed in learning new languages. Here are some of the fun tongue twisters our pupils tried out in assembly:
Tongue twisters
1. English
"Betty bought a bit of butter,But the butter was so bitter,So she bought some better butter,To make the bitter butter better."
2. Spanish
"Una cacatrepa trepa tiene tres cacatrepitos.Cuando la cacatrepa trepa trepan los tres cacatrepitos."
3. French
"Un chasseur sachant chasser sait chasser sans son chien."
