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One day film school for Year 8


St Andrew's Year 8 put their filmmaking and acting skills to the test last term, with the One Day Film School. It was another exciting part of their Leavers' Programme, involving a morning learning new film and camera skills, and putting them into the practice during the afternoon.

Starting with a lesson on film history, our budding directors, producers, crew and cast were put through their paces mastering fight choreography. Analysing James Bond and Indiana Jones-style fight scenes, they soon learnt how to pack a convincing on screen punch.

Next, our Year 8 learnt how to use an iPad like a pro, acquiring tips and tricks to avoid common mistakes, and making a practice 3 Shot Film about a theft. Screenwriting skills came next. They were taught the three key things every good script needs: how to tell a great story, creating memorable characters, and making the audience care.

In the afternoon, pupils took the 10 Shot Challenge: creating a short 2 minute film based on a classic narrative eg. ’Someone is kidnapped, an attempted rescue’, to premiere at the end of the day. Pupils worked in teams to select the roles: director, producer, screenwriter, sound technician, actors, and camera operator.

Ed Boase, Director at the Young Film Academy said: "Most adverts take several months to make, so the challenge of making a successful short film in just ninety minutes can be daunting. However, the groups gelled exceptionally well, showed great leadership and teamwork, and no-one missed the deadline."

Year 8's final task of the day, was to give their film a poster tagline e.g. 'In space no-one can hear you scream', and introduce their film as if premiering at the Cannes Film Festival. Then it was time for the VIP judges - Year 8 Form Tutor and Head of Seniors, James Fearn, and the Young Film Academy representatives - to take their seats and decide which film would win the ultimate prize of 'Best Picture Oscar'.

The standard was very high, so it was a tough decision, but...the Best Picture Oscar was awarded to...(drum roll, please)...‘Lost and Found’.

Ed Boase said: "It told an engaging, entertaining story which was technically superb. The judges were particularly impressed by the excellent performances and high standard of camerawork, editing and sound design. Congratulations to the winning team - hope to see you at the (real) Oscars soon!"

Congratulations to our winning team, and to Ed Boase and the Young Film Academy Team. A film-tastic day was had by all!


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