Thirty five Year 8s and five members of staff slept overnight at School on Friday 6th October to raise money for local homelessness charity Launchpad Reading. The Sleep Out was organised by our RIDE (respect, inclusion, diversity and equality) Committee. Thanks to the generosity of our community, they raised £2,525 (including £190 from our magnificent buskers).
After some of our pupils busked around School, Year 8 watched a short interview with Andy, a 21-year-old homeless man, who began sleeping rough on the streets in Cardiff to escape away from his abusive father. Needless to say, the interview sparked much discussion amongst the group.
As it grew dark and cold, the RIDE Committee gathered around fire pits, ate stew, and then worked out where they would put their cardboard boxes to sleep on. They were extremely lucky to have a dry night. President of RIDE, Year 8 Jack, summed up his experience:
“The sleep out made me look at things differently and made me more grateful for the little things.”

The following Monday, RIDE shared a presentation they had organised themselves with our Prep School during Monday’s assembly.

A HUGE thanks to the children and staff that took part, especially Year 5 Form Tutor, Head of RIDE, and Mental Health Lead, Haig Howard, and to our extremely kind community for their support and donations.