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Sydney Shave Off for Children with Cancer UK

St Andrew's

Last week, Sydney in Year 5, had her hair shaved off in the Old Hall, supported by class mates, family and staff, to raise awareness and money for the charity Children with Cancer UK. During assembly a few days before, Sydney explained to our Prep School how the loss of her grandpa to cancer when she was very young had inspired her to help others. Sydney's selfless act of kindness has been recognised by Children with Cancer UK who have selected her as their Fundraiser of the Month.

Having watched the film on Sydney's Just Giving page, Lucy Cornwall from the charity said:

She’s such a great public speaker. I also must say she looks fantastic with her head shaved – I definitely could not pull that off, she looks lovely!

One of the most striking statistics from Children with Cancer UK highlights the prevalence of this disease among the young: approximately 4,200 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in the UK. To put this into a daily perspective, this means about 10 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every single day in the UK.

On their site, Cancer UK outline their legacy:

We’ve been working tirelessly since 1988, to fund research and initiatives that support children and their families through their cancer journey. Our vision is a world where every child and young person survives cancer.

So far, Sydney has successfully exceeded her target of raising £3,500 and racing closer towards £4,000. Why not help her get there? If you haven't already donated to her Just Giving page, there's still time to here. You can also watch our short film of Sydney giving her presentation and the shave off itself.

Year 5 Form Tutor, Head of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Mental Health Lead, Haig Howard concludes:

We are very proud of Sydney and her initiative. Can there be many better examples of a St Andrew’s pupil daring to be different?



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